Tourist attractions


             The bath-and breathing therapy means the inhalation of the mine’s salty air, that is very beneficial in cases of respiratory organ sicknesses (asthma, bronchitis, allergy…) The treatment level is 120m deep underground in the mine and it is supplied with playground, seats, chairs and bar, all these to make the daily four-hour compulsory stay during ten days more comfortable. It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting the treatment.  This is also available for anybody here in the dispensary in Praid.

              Close to the Salt mine there is a salted water-bath. Salty water and iodine have good effects on your health.

It has calming, physic and psychic relaxing, sterilizing (skin and nose) and anti-inflammatory effects .


· Standuri lingă drum

· Muzeul din Corund

· Prepararea Ceramiei

· Árcsói kirakóvásár


· Salina

· Strand cu apa sărată

· Cheile Sarate

· Casa părintească al poetului Áprily Lajos

· Cetatea Doamnei Rabson

· Cărăriri turistice

· Obiceiurile populare a  satului Praid


· Monumentul funerar al scriitorului Tamási Áron


· Lacul Urs


· Satul inundat/scufundat

· Kőrispatak


· Lacul Roşu

· Cheile Bicazului

· Castelul Lazar

Băile Tuşnad

· Lacul Sf. Ana

· Molyhos

· Büdösgödör-Mofetta


· Csíksomlyó

· Biserica Millenium
